Opened up the standing sun umbrella on the patio to avoid cooking my noodle while I sat there ( the patio is south-facing and gets quite hot). I found the beginnings of a wasp nest attached to the fabric of the tent structure. It was the honeycomb style. A little further away was the beginning of another, perhaps the first attempt, abandoned for whatever reason only known to the wasp. It was literally only one cell.
I knocked off the first attempt and the second structure and opened the patio umbrella fully so it shaded the table and chairs. A few minutes later the wasp comes back, lands on the pole...only to find that the territory it was familiar with had changed and yet the essence is the same; black metal pole, orientation and layout and no doubt the same pheromones in the area. No matter how much it walked up and down the pole, it never came in contact with the fabric as it was no longer collapsed but now held open. The wasp then began to fly in wider circles and after about 15 minutes of flying on the same tangent, it was assured that the angle wasn't wrong, it was just the fabric and relationship to the pole. Smart wasp.