I’m pretty pleased with this watercolour. It is officially one of my own and not done with any tutorial help. It is a looser style, which is actually more my style, as made visible by my oil paintings. Any road, this local Belted Kingfisher (actually a pair) live down by the shoreline and can be seen almost any day of the year. The rusty belt marking shows it is the female as the male has no rust colouring. I noticed part way through the painting process that the rusty belt should be lower on the body, not up like a necklace. Too late… once you have started a watercolour you are a bit committed. Never-mind, all good practice.
American Robin
A watercolour robin for practicing tiny feather strokes. One of my favourite birds, so it was very enjoyable.
Thanks to Paul Hopkinson for his thorough tutorial: www.devonartist.co.uk
Little Wren
A practice sketch from a photo, prior to the little watercolour practice.
I suppose everything is practice really.
Naturelady takes remarkable bird photos, among other nature subjects. So if you need a reference that is in focus and captures the character of the critter, have a look. She provides her photos for free. https://pixabay.com/users/naturelady-3551620/
Winter Birch
watercolour, pastels, tinted paper
Garden Sketch
A pen and watercolour sketch.
Leisure with no Textbooks.
A gorgeous afternoon in my friend’s garden. Leisurely drawing a pot of begonias with a cup of coffee, cheese and apple slices. Nothing to do but perhaps drift down to the bookstore later for a browse in the fiction section. Novelty. It won’t always be like this, but I will take these moments of leisure where and when I can.
New things emerging.
Always love the friendly robin… and the red-breasted nuthatch.
Two of my fave feathered friends.
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And then it snowed...
Quite a bit for around these here parts…
It was pretty…
…until it kept going…
Roads were closed for up to two weeks in areas. Luckily, we live on one of the few roads that get ploughed regularly (on a bus route), so we were able to get out and about. Some people were stuck in their side roads for ages. The Island does not usually get much snow, and hence our snow ploughs services/fundings are few and far between. Just got to wait for the melt.
A Year Round Companion
Winter Landscape
This painting had an addition added. I knew I wanted to add something into the white space but had to wait and see what was wanted. Apparently, it was a sleeping bear waiting for spring.