"In the Autumn Dawn"

...is the title of this piece that sold last week. It had not long been painted, out the studio door and sold to a happy person. When I asked her if she had seen the fox, she said that she had not and was very pleased when I pointed it out to her. She said she was busy looking at the flowers in the meadow. Exactly the effect I was looking for. I wanted that feeling of standing in the meadow by the woods, seeing all the small things and suddenly, maybe catching the movement of something just in the shadows, just in the boundary where the sunny meadow merges into the forest edge. 


In the Autumn Dawn Oil

In the Autumn Dawn Oil

fox detail

fox detail


Sometimes my paintings whisper to me, calling me over... "We are not done yet", they sometimes tell me.​

And so I must hold my breath and take the plunge, trusting that what will come will be even better than before, and that I can indeed do what is asked.​

Seasonal Knowledge

  In the North, our world is beginning to expand and unfold; buds are unfolding into blossoms, bears have given birth to their young, and bees are expanding their family within the hive. The songs and calls of birds are  more audible and linger into the evening until, when,  there is a transition of duties and the chorus of frogs  leads the twilight into night.


This expansion is the intangible quality of Spring, a quality that keeps us in rhythm with the seasons. We may not remember small details from last Spring, but we certainly remember the feeling, the resonance, the quality of what is Springness. This knowing, this connection, runs in our bones in the same way that a songbird holds the knowledge to return to her nesting grounds.