Bee Keeping Workshop

Today was a pleasant outing for a 2 hr bee-keeping workshop at Fredrich's Bee Farm.  It was actually sunny though chilly. Thebeeman

Theo, the bee-keeper was funny and chatty and stood about in his thin sweater and apron, hefting boxes about and dipping his hands in cold water to wash off the sticky honey while we stood about bundled up in coats and hats and gloves. ( I thought he was about sixty but he then said he had been bee-keeping for sixty years and still felt he was learning. Honey must be good for body and soul!) He said, normally, spring cleaning each box would take him but moments in order to minimize disturbance to the bees, but for us it he would take a bit longer to demonstrate. Fortunately, his bees were as pleasant natured as he was and weren't too grumpy having their homes opened for curious eyes. He does this teaching for free to give back to the community.



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Here is the final painting of the snowdrop sketches. Remember when I started it all way back when I bought the pot at Seedy Saturday? is the painting. (Funny thing is, I didn't have to buy any snowdrops at all, as some emerged right in front of the doorstep. Nice!)

But good old bumblebees love snowdrops so it is good to have lots of them in the garden to have something for them to feed on in between snow flurries.


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Snow Webs


Melting snow catches here and there in the crevices of the trees. Spent far too long tilting my head back and forth making the droplets change colours.


In this shady nook, the snow is just beginning to melt. Amazing the strength of these webs.



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Bird's Nest, Wild Carrot

Birds_nest_sketchWinter brings many curious shapes and textures, not just in the lovely arrangement of tree limbs against a silver grey sky, but also in the tangled spent shells of plants long past the greens of summer.  Close to one's feet are the delicate star-bursts of Queen Anne's Lace. Curled into a bird's nest, the netting of stalks protect the seeds from inclement weather. On finer days, or when, in this case, brought into the house to draw, the nest relaxes and unfurls into a dainty display of stars birthing into their own space. Considered a weed, this herb not only has healing qualities but is also the Grandmother, the Abuela, the Oma, the Obaasan of what is our carrot today. Something to think twice about before yanking her from the ground without a thank-you.

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On Snowdrops

Snowdrops are my most favourite spring flower, yes, even a bit more than chionodoxa, and perhaps a bit more than lovely clean white crocus and the really orangey-yellow crocus...I like those too. So, finally, I have bought some for my garden. I have always wanted some, and never bought any, I don't know why, funny how things are like that. But anyway, now I have some!


How amazing is that large pot I bought at the Seedy Saturday event from local gardeners? The answer is, "very amazing".  $10 for that huge chunk and $4.50 for the teeny one on the left I bought at a garden nursery a few days ago. Yeash.


But first, a few snowdrop sketches and the beginnings of an oil painting so I can remember them until next year.

(I think they felt very pleased to be featured before I popped them in the garden...there they are sitting on the cupboard top.)

And here they are in the garden.


The garden has a long way to come, but it is a start and I have to remind myself what it will be three years from now. The whole area used to be a chicken coop and before you wax excited by having chicken manure, also know the considerable amount of weeds and brambles growing here as well. We Ken took down the old fencing and put in new posts, mesh and a new gate. The shrub is a very healthy camellia loaded with flower buds, so it will be fun to see what colour they will be in a few short weeks.


Ohh, noes, why must you always take so many pictures of me?

Because you sit so baggy and have yoda ears.

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Seedy Saturday

Found quite a few seeds that I was after at the Seedy Saturday.

BeestampMany companies were there as well as the local seed exhange table.

I bought a variety of seeds for flowers that bees like as well as some cool herbs from Eagleridge Seeds and some tobacco seeds from Mountain Seed Co.

Valerian, Angelica, Marshmallow, Motherwort, Hyssop, Figwort, and Lemon Catnip (2 packs by accident, so I must really need them without knowing I need them) are the ones I bought. I didn't buy any vegetable seeds as I only have so much room to start seedlings off and the bee garden is what I want to focus on this summer.

Oh and the Land Conservancy had a table there with a Pollinator Program wherein you plant some sunflower seeds (you are given a free packet of Lemon Queen) and you are to observe the bees on your plants come summer and report in what you see and how many you see. So that rocks.

Also scored an amazing pot of Snowdrops. Wish I had bought MORE!




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Mount Erskine

There are two paths up the mountain and that made all the difference. Winding switchbacks, a meandering through trees, soft green moss, tinkles of a winter brook, robin trills and the high-pitched tweaking of the kinglets high above. Glimpses of blue overhead and the occasional amber leaf of a Garry Oak mark the path below my feet.




At the summit are blue skies above and blue water below. The far islands curve in an optical illusion and I can see the friendly shapes of the mountains that guard Vancouver on the mainland.


There are, the locals say, small faerie doors marking the entrance ways to trees and undercrops of rocks. This adventure will be for another time.


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Fog and Ravens

Nothing but the sound of the fog-horn going off somewhere in the distance, and closer, ravens popping and quorking. The forest moves in and out of the fog. I have to keep my eye on it in case it tries to sneak across the lawn. You never know with trees...


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Golden-crowned Kinglet

I'm not the fastest gardener or do-er outside. I tend to take long pauses between things and simply stare off. (It can take me 45 minutes just to dig in a couple of plants.) And so, there I was, standing and staring off into the distance when I notice a fluttering in the tangled mess of shrub, lower branches and the like. I assume it is an acrobatic Chickadee hanging onto a milk thistle gathering seeds when I see a flash of yellow. Something isn't right. My feet are already in motion before my brain catches up. Sure enough, it is a Golden-crowned Kinglet caught up in the burrs of the burdock plant gone to winter seed.

Kinglets are gleaners of the high tree-tops and to see one fluttering two feet above ground is not so normal.

KingletSuddenly my hands are too large and clumsy. The burr, that has impaled the underside of the Kinglet has turned his leg red with blood. How long he has fluttered upside down trying to beat his way free makes me ill to think.

Inside now, I cut, with tiny manicure scissors, the spurs of the burdock seed head away from feathers and downy underside. He is still with fear and exhaustion. I take the opportunity to remove the fine splinter-like shafts as best as I can and gently nudge a tissue into what I am guessing is the wound area. 

Not sure what to do next, we both just sit quietly, my hands covering such a tiny thing. His heartbeat I can feel and my hands, having come in from the cold, are tingling with a rush of blood and now they have that strange firey heat. And so we sit, neither of us moving, just feeling blood, heat and heartbeat.

And then he stirs, the smallest amount of softness in my hands. Then a bit more. I take a peek in my cupped hands, his eyes are open. We sit quietly.

Then, true movement. He sits up and his world changes and so we move into action. I go upstairs and ask my husband to call the wildlife rescue. Their office, it turns out, is not far from us.  As he is on the phone, I take another peek, he is so small in my hands, but he is looking up at me with such a spark in his eye and he ruffles a bit of red-orange under his golden crown. "I'm good to go", he says but I am not listening. I am still back with the bloodied leg, the burr, the awful upside down fluttering and I am in the future, worrying about the wound and how he will survive the night.

But my legs are walking me to the door and outside now, I crouch low to the ground and open my hands. He is attentive to the sunshine and the air. His intensity is not focused on me but out there. He's off. A few feet. Sits in the driveway, a tiny thing, no bigger than a leaf. And then, flying he settles on the lower branches of a hemlock. He pauses for several minutes. The orientation of what was into the now. He's away and gleaning the tops of the shrubs.

He is correct. We continue. This intermission is over, how long in all, I do not know. But now, I turn and cut down all the burdock seed heads on my property and set a fire in the firepit. There aren't many to burn, but enough to be able to sit in the sun with the dog and enjoy the afternoon light.


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Midnight Dandelions - Phase 2

I've been asked lately what I have been working on with regards to oil-painting. It is a large painting I had begun in the fall  and left to "ferment" so to speak. Some paintings are like throw down the inital phase and enjoy that while always knowing there is more to come. And now, here it comes.


Below is a close-up of one of the dandelion puffs.

I like all the colours that are slowly working their way in.

Seed pods are on my mind, which is no surprise as I walk down the roads around my home. The last time I went down roads with no sidewalks and nothing but long grass and "weeds" on the verge was when I was a child. Forms and shapes catch my eye as well as textures and colours such as the silvery blonde of the rushes in the ditches next to the maroon twigs of pussy-willows.  There are some seed-pods that are easily recognizable but some are elusive and tease the brain. You can almost see in your mind's eye what they were in their flower stage, but it is hazy and suggestive and no doubt I will be completely wrong come this summer when I come across them again. "Oh, that's not what I was expecting at ALL", I will say to the amused plant who will roll its eyes to the other plants as I walk past.


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